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Grow your business with Freelancers & Self-Employed (FSE) professionals

Leverage the relationships built with your Freelancers & Self-Employed (FSE) talent pool to scale business effectively.
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By U FSE 30 Nov 2023
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In an era where business agility is more crucial than ever, consider integrating Freelancers & Self-Employed (FSE) professionals into your strategy to grow your business. Harness the power of a flexible talent pool to foster business scalability and innovation.

Embrace scalability with a differentiated workforce
The current business climate demands quick, good, and affordable solutions. FSE professionals are uniquely positioned to provide these solutions that can suit your dynamic needs.

Evaluate your operations to pinpoint areas where FSE professionals can deliver greatest benefit to your business operation. For instance, it could be cost-effective to engage FSE professionals for seasonal projects. FSE professionals with niche expertise could be more effective in carrying out specialised tasks than employees as employees tend to be generalists.

It’s helpful to conduct regular financial check-ins, as you compare the costs of traditional employees versus FSE professionals. Factor in not only the direct costs but also the potential for increased productivity and reduced downtime.

Leverage flexibility according to your needs
FSE professionals embody the flexibility necessary for businesses to pivot. Especially when market trends are constantly evolving. Create a workforce engagement strategy that capitalises on this agility. 
Consider how FSE professionals with varying skills can be engaged on a project or retainer basis to support your business as it evolves. This also helps with business planning when there are seasons which require growing your teams, and those that require you to scale down.

Create a reliable network
As you engage more with FSE professionals, having a robust network will become a tremendous asset as you look to scale.

Establish a systematic onboarding process that not only familiarises FSE professionals with your company's operations but also builds rapport and trust. Learn to engage with your FSE professionals like leaving them feedback or testimonials that speak about how they have supported your projects. This creates a virtual cycle that both enhances your relationships, but builds trust and loyalty to your business.

Want to know more about how we work with FSE professionals here in Singapore, or want to leave feedback for a completed job? Reach out to us.

Innovation through expertise
FSE professionals often bring fresh ideas and specialised knowledge that can be the catalyst for innovation within your business. Because they are exposed to a variety of projects and clients in their line of work, they often pick up skills that are beyond their job scope. These include client management, book-keeping, strategy, and business development among others. 

Organise regular brainstorming sessions with your regular FSE professionals to tap into their knowledge and how they have been seeing how the market works. Sometimes, they might give you tips about your industry, or how they see upcoming trends that you can leverage on. This collaborative approach can uncover new ideas for products, services, or processes that could give your business a leading edge.

Learn from those who have found similar success
There are numerous examples of businesses that have experienced exponential growth by leveraging their partnerships with FSE professionals. These real-life success stories provide valuable insights and inspiration for how to effectively work with FSE professionals in your own business.

See how U FSE works with businesses like yourself and FSE professionals to create successful events and projects.

FSE professionals offer a strategic resource for businesses ready to scale. With their flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and innovative potential, they can help your business respond to opportunities and challenges quickly, giving you a competitive advantage in today's fast-paced market.
