About us

Freelancers and Self-Employed Unit

Founded in 2015 as an initiative of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), the Freelancers & Self-Employed Unit (U FSE) is committed to representing and supporting Singapore's FSE community. Our primary mission is to bolster your earnings, ensure your welfare, and create better work opportunities for you. Through our wide network of partners, receive advisory support for work issues, including delayed payment and unfair contracts, and get free insurance up to $40,000 when you join the U FSE community. Gain insights from experts on vital industry trends, access resources, workshops, and trainings to reduce business costs as you build your career as an FSE professional here in Singapore.


U FSE directory for professionals

This digital directory is a tool tailored to spotlight your unique skills and achievements. As a member of the U FSE community, you get to build a profile as we guide you in shaping your online presence. We have also designed features that make it easy to share your credentials with potential clients and networks. Functioning as a bridge, our directory seamlessly connects professionals like you with businesses and prime opportunities, ensuring that your talents find the right audience and prospects.


We are here to help

  • briefcase-2-line.svg
    Strengthen your earnings and well-being
  • service-line.svg
    Elevate your online profile and potential
  • team-line.png
    Link you to businesses and prime opportunities

Associations & Chapters

Uniting individuals from various Freelancer and Self-Employed (FSE) persons professions for collective voice and representation:

Join our U FSE community

Access potential jobs, networking opportunities, and resources as you build your career.
Learn more